Hi, my name is Rome! I’ve spent a good portion of my life at a desk, staring at a computer screen and typing a bunch of words, numbers, and symbols most people wouldn’t understand. In 2020 my life changed and I found myself no longer doing that. The following year, after a long quarantine, I took my family on a much needed trip to Alaska. That trip changed everything for me, and I began writing the next chapter in my life.

I have always been fascinated by the world. Ever since I was a kid, I dreamt of traveling to far away shores, distant landscapes, and magical cities. I grew up in a place many would consider paradise, and it will always be home, but the world was too big and the wanderlust too strong.

I am by no means a world traveler…not yet at least. I can count the number of countries I have been to on one hand. But there is already so much to see and do without leaving the country, whatever country you’re in. And to me, simply learning about a destination, and planning a trip there can be entertaining enough…enough for me to write about.

There are so many things to learn about when it comes to travel aside from the destinations themselves. I’ll talk about things like the best ways to get around, the best gear and necessities to help make your adventures fun and memorable. And, whether you like to travel in comfort and glam, or bare and roughing it, there will be something for you.

So come join me as I talk about the places I’ve been to and learn about all those other places I haven’t but plan to. I would love to share whatever I learn with you. Maybe someday we’ll run into each other on the trail, at the beach, or at the bar. Let’s go places, see things, and do stuff.